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My MySQL Journey: From Beginner to Intermediate

My Path to Becoming Better at MySQL Through School, Practice, and Self-Learning

How It All Started

I first learned MySQL in Class 10 as part of my school syllabus. Our teacher introduced us to databases, and I quickly found it interesting. I didn’t stop at school lessons—I also learned MySQL at home using online resources. From the beginning, I was ahead of my classmates, finishing assignments faster and answering viva questions confidently. My teacher was impressed and even gave me extra positive marks!

Now, as I move towards Class 12, I feel confident in MySQL and consider myself at an intermediate level.

How I Got Better at MySQL

✔ School Lessons: I learned the basics in Class 10.

✔ Self-Learning: I explored extra topics on my own using the internet.

✔ Practice & Projects: I completed assignments faster than others and even tried extra queries.

✔ Viva Performance: I answered questions confidently, making my teacher notice my skills.

My Favorite MySQL Queries

1. Creating a Database & Table

CREATE DATABASE school; USE school; CREATE TABLE students ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(50), class INT, marks FLOAT );

This creates a students table to store student data.

2. Inserting & Viewing Data

INSERT INTO students (id, name, class, marks) VALUES (1, 'Amit', 10, 89.5); SELECT * FROM students;

This adds a student’s record and displays all data in the table.

3. Updating & Deleting Records

UPDATE students SET marks = 92 WHERE id = 1; DELETE FROM students WHERE id = 1;

These queries update or remove data from the table.

Leveling Up My MySQL Skills

As I practiced more, I explored more useful concepts:

1. Filtering & Sorting Data

SELECT name, marks FROM students WHERE marks > 80 ORDER BY marks DESC;

This shows students who scored above 80, sorted from highest to lowest marks.

2. Finding Averages

SELECT AVG(marks) FROM students;

This calculates the average marks of all students.

3. Grouping Data

SELECT class, AVG(marks) FROM students GROUP BY class;

This finds the average marks for each class.

4. Combining Data from Two Tables

SELECT, subjects.subject_name FROM students JOIN subjects ON = subjects.student_id;

This pulls data from two different tables using JOIN.

Why I Love MySQL

  • It helps manage and organize data easily.
  • Writing queries feels like directly talking to the database.
  • It’s useful for real-world applications like websites and apps.

What’s Next?

I’m now exploring:

✅ Subqueries – Queries inside queries.

✅ More Joins – To handle complex data.

✅ Using MySQL with Python – To connect databases with code.

Final Thoughts

My journey with MySQL started in school, but I took it further with self-learning. Now, I confidently work with intermediate-level queries and look forward to learning even more!

My MySQL Journey: From Beginner to Intermediate
Girdhar Kumar 3 March 2025
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